Your Experience Does Not Determine What Is True
Written 6/4/2020
Your experience doesn’t change the truth.
Just because you haven’t lost anyone to COVID-19 doesn’t mean that it’s not a deadly virus.
Just because you still have a job and are doing ok financially doesn’t mean that the economy isn’t hurting.
Just because your hospital isn’t overwhelmed doesn’t mean that others aren’t.
I was encouraged to make a timeline starting in the beginning of the year until now to step back and acknowledge all the change that we have experienced during this time. And while we’ve all experienced different things in different ways, the fact still remains: that things have changed.
I can’t help but to think how true this is of every part of our lives.
Pre-pandemic we lived in a world that told us that our experiences determined what was true.
Today, while all of us may be experiencing different things, no one can deny the truth that this virus exists and has spread across the world.
In the same way, just because we’ve never experienced racism personally doesn’t mean it doesn’t exist.
Just because our baby doesn’t look like a human yet doesn’t make them not one.
And just because we don’t know God, doesn’t mean He doesn’t know us.
Just because we don’t consider our actions sinful, doesn’t mean they aren’t.
Just because we choose not to believe in or think about eternity doesn’t mean there isn’t one.
And just because we don’t believe we need a savior, doesn’t mean we don’t.
Our experiences, do not change the truth.
They are real and must be felt and acknowledged but if not aligned with truth they will do nothing but cause more pain and confuse.
We don’t know a lot about this virus still but what I do know is true: that our world is changing and my God wants to change you.