20 Lessons From 2020
2 min readDec 8, 2020
Whether we wanted to learn them or not…
- This world is not worth hoping in
- Nothing is certain
- We were never in control, we just lived like we were
- Clear communication is key during chaotic times but people will still mishear you
- Grieving is a process, not a one and done kind of deal
- Christ has overcome, AND He is weeping with you — It is good to have hope that we will prevail, but we can’t ignore the hard
- You can’t make people believe the truth but that doesn’t mean you don’t try and share it with them
- But if your motive to share the truth is to be right, we’ve missed the mark and no one will ever hear us — our motive must be love
- God cares about the 1%
- My decisions don’t just affect me
- We will never know everything about everything
- Feelings are real and have to be acknowledged, felt, and processed through a lens of truth — not a lens of shame and labeling as right and wrong
- Seeing God’s hand and feeling His presence aren’t requirements — trusting Him is
- Fear is meant to be acknowledged, but it is not meant to be our motivator
- We need each other
- Love still wins
- Comparing hardships is a losing battle
- We need everyone’s roles to function, not just the “essentials”
- Blame leads to destruction, personal responsibility rebuilds
- You can only do the best you can with what you have and that is good enough — regardless of the outcome